Change we need: How to challenge the big media and media moguls
Change we need:
How to challenge the big media and media moguls
By Andreas Klamm
Washington, D. C. / New York City/October 23, 2008/– The truth is revealed. Change we need. Yeah, change we need so urgently. Many people spend so much time to find a solution not be influenced this much by the big main stream media information of the big media and the media which is known as main stream media.
As an investigative journalist, broadcast journalist, French-German author of several books since 1984 I am since 1984 for about 24 years performing a research how we might challenge these big media companies and networks and the big media. For hours I had conversation with editors in chief and even with some of the media moguls until I have realized there are three easy steps how to challenge the big media and the media moguls.
It is this simple and it will cost you not years or hours of your precious time and certainly it will not cost you 700 Billion U.S. Dollars.
If you are not happy with the embedded media coverage, such as on ABC, NBC, Fox News or with Ted Turner´s CNN media network and many other main stream media then simple follow these three easy steps.
1.STEP ONE: You should spend anyway not many hours watching 24 hours television. There is more to discover in life then 24 hours of watching television all the day long.
2.STEP TWO: Simply turn off ABC, NBC, Fox News and Ted Turner´s CNN and switch to Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Democracy NOW! is available worldwide on 250 radio station and about 700 alternative television network station and even on satellite television. You will find the current information where to watch the educational television and radio program on . You will have the great chance to see and to hear the difference in the media. It is almost like you as have spend 40 years in the wilderness and have been looking for a good well (water source) where you will find fresh and clean water and just with watching one hour Democracy NOW! you will be able to experience the great joy not to thirst this quick again for a good and educational television and radio program. You will realize also that you do not have to spend hours watching television all the day long and to waste your precious time. After watching one hour Democracy NOW! you will have more time for valuable things which do matter in your life. You could easily spend some time getting engaged with some social work in your local community or you might have even more time to spend with your friends and family.
3.STEP THREE: Be polite and friendly write a postcard or an email to ABC, NBC, Fox News and CNN or the other main stream media networks and let them know that you have switched from the main stream media to a good and educational television and radio program which is know as Democracy NOW!
It might take some while but then the media moguls will realize that they are going to loose millions of listeners and viewers they will certainly start to consider to cover the stories and voices which at this time we can not find on the main stream media.
Picture this: It is by no means only Ted Turner and other media moguls which do have the power and strength to challenge you. IT IS YOU, which can challenge the big media and the main stream media moguls. Imagine, if only 90 or 100 million people will follow the advise to turn off the big media and to tune in to Democracy NOW! or other alternative radio and television programs. The big media would feel this by loosing millions of advertising money for commercials and infomercials. Guess if you continue for one week or even longer. The media moguls would start to think and perhaps after some while you would realize that every listener and viewer has so easily the strength and power to challenge and even to change the big media. Think as independent as possible. You need to think ! And then act with peace and wisdom. With every listener and viewer which the big media is going to loose, the big media will loose its power. This concept is working very well with newspapers also. Imagine the newspaper is not covering the stories you want and need to read. Just give them a friendly call to the publishing house and let them know I am not going to buy and read your paper anymore as long as I will find the stories which I can not find at this time in the paper. You can challenge the editors and publishers and you will be able to witness and read the change.
Step number 4 is not this easy. In 1986 I became the founder of the international alternative media network IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, IBS Television Liberty and Radio IBS Liberty. You should know that my father was a poor fire fighter, my grand father was a French Army Officer stationed in 1945. In 1986 I have started with about 100 German Marks with the foundation an own and international alternative media network will require if you are not rich and have not the money that you will love to work and labor hard.
There are ways to cover huge events such as the G8 summit in Heilgendamm Germany even with only 20 U.S. dollars in your pocket. In 2007 I did this: I have been one of about 4.700 officially journalists, news correspondents and television producer with an accreditation issued by the German government. Before I became one, I had to write to two German courts and some viewers, listeners and readers have signed a petition that I will get with my official press credentials the permission to produce independent television and radio programs. It has required some work and fights to defend the freedom of the press and information.
Therefore as you are able to imagine I do know what I am writing and talking about. It will be not an easy way. Since 1984 I have produced hundreds of television and radio programs and I have conducted hundreds of interviews have been taking about 20.000 photographs as a photo journalist and have received the first awards when I have been 18 years of age in 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1989 from a state film department from Germany. In the studio and the editorial offices I have spend hours, day and nights even covering the U.S. elections in 2000 and 2004 and in some cases I have been spending about 18 up to 20 hours in the studio to cut and edit radio and television programs.
Sometimes I have been this tired that I have passed or blacked out in the studio and just have been sleeping on the floor of some studios and continued to work and labor when the light of the morning came back.
It was certainly in many cases hard labor and it will require some sacrifices if you are willing to build you own international media network. If you ever will perform 2 hours Live Television programs and 8 hours Live radio programs you will certainly know what I am writing and talking about.
It requires hard labor and work if you do not have the money as the media moguls such as Ted Turner and many others but there is a way.
In the past 24 years I had the chance to meet so many precious people, even some precious politicians and other journalists and I do not want to miss these interesting conversations. My advise is that you should consider the price which you will have to pay by spending a lot of you precious time of life if your are planning to run an alternative television and radio program.
Some advise which will help: If you want to produce good educational radio and television programs you have to read a lot of books. A little example why this advise could be important: Since the age of 16 I am reading and studying the HOLY SCRIPTURES, which some other people call also the bible, Old and New Testament. You will find amazing answers, questions and ideas in this most precious book. Guess you want to cover a story about corruption. It is no joke you will find in the Holy Scriptures the answer, where to start maybe a search for an investigative research and where to find a lot of corruption.
There are many other books on the market which you could and should read also. If you have because of the financial crisis not the money anymore to buy some real good books, spend some time in you community library as I did already in 1987 in Leeds in the United Kingdom and in many other cases in Germany and even in New York City in the United States of America.
If you are planning to work as an investigative broadcast journalist, journalist and author you should be prepared for fights such as death threats, attempted targeted killing and threats. In Germany in many cases some people and political forces try not to shoot journalists but to destroy their financial liberty which is making everyone this easily a slave. Sometime it occurs that you will receive first threats, followed by death threats and that you will get involved as a victim in so called “accidents”. Some viewers and observers have told me, that some of the accidents which I have suffered have been not accidents but the attempt to kill me for covering simply stories about the abuses of the human rights, political, social and financial affairs.
There is not the proof that these viewers are right but I can assure you that I have received threats and people have told me several times: “We do wonder that you are still alive.” It happened again this afternoon, that a colleague and another independent television producer mentioned to me on the phone: “I do wonder you are still alive…”. He knows that I am since 1984 covering stories and speaking out things which you will hear usually not on the big main stream media. Independent and alternative journalists should work international and seek international co-operation. This is one of the reasons that I became a member of the International Federations of Journalists. Another reason is that since 1993 I am a member of the union. Since 1989 I am active also as a peace and social activist.
It is a serious thing if you are going to receive threats. Not taking part in the fight could mean that you have lost the fight or the battle already. However I do believe: If the good people are NOT fighting, the bad guys or people will win. And these times are so special that I do believe that we just can not allow and afford the luxury that the bad people which do oppress the truth and millions of people that the bad people will win the battle or the fights. Therefore the good people have to fight for peace, liberty, justice, truth and democracy – every one of us. Peace, liberty, justice, truth, social security and democracy are under attack and every one of us should take part in defending these elementary and fundamental rights. This will certainly not without danger. I do know that liberty is right and GOD gave us not a free will to be slaves. God teaches liberty. Do fight as peaceful as possible, not with violence, overcome evil with good, overcome violence with non-violence. There are many peaceful ways how to fight and how to defend.
Now I am telling you a little secret. You will find in the Holy Scriptures even the advise how you could act in time of a financial crisis. Certainly it requires some faith and belief.
Another good advise is listen to the things what your viewers and listener are going to tell you and will write you. Some real good ideas for television and radio programs which have received an award I got from listeners and viewers on the street. In many cases the conversation started this way: “I have seen your program on television and …”. Afterwards some of my viewers gave me some advise or tips what they want to see on the screen or what they want to hear on the radio. In some cases I have spend a night in other cases I have mediated a week and then my thought was something similar like “Let´s try this idea or way…”. Not always but in some cases it was working out good and therefore to some of my viewers which are watching my television programs and listening to my radio programs since about 24 year I am very thankful and I want to let you know: THANK you and I do love you !
Even you might get famous, known in many different countries in this world PLEASE keep in mind, that our listeners and viewers deserve the THANKSGIVING. One of our websites has visitors and readers from 40 different countries. We had not one single cent on our budget for 2007 and 2008 for advertising to tell other people about this new service which has started in May 2008.
The viewers and listeners of my radio and television programs are meaning a lot to me and I am thankful for each of them. Some of them have told me, that they do sense this feelings towards them, that I do appreciate very much that they are spending some times one minute and some times one hour to one of my radio or television programs and some of them are thankful for this appreciation.
As long as you are not a real good business man in the financial and commercial sense you should expect not getting rich but to face serious trouble for working as an investigative broadcast journalist and journalist. For simply covering an event on television about 100 homeless people in Germany I have received threats in the year of 2006 and 2007 including death threats again.
Thank you to the listeners and viewers and for your tips and guidance which has challenged in Germany sometimes even the big commercial main stream and even the powerful state operated television and radio stations in Germany. However I know God is watching and listening us at any time and this comforts me, perhaps other people, too. There is no secret which you can hide before the Lord our God. This truth and fact might scare some people while this truth and fact is a comfort to me and many other people. Some viewers have been wondering what the term “Journalist, D.o.G.” stands for during some of my television programs and perhaps they might have been thinking I am working for the Department of Germany. This is not the case, I am still working international and alternative. Some times I do wonder if some one wants to tell others about the truth how in the world we are able to deny the most important truth? The answer and truth is very simple: “D.o.G. Stands for dependent upon the GRACE OF GOD.” All truth shall be revealed. Best wishes.
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