Veto Shows Abortion Corruption Started by Sebelius Encourages Carhart to Return to Kansas
Veto Shows Abortion Corruption Started by Sebelius Encourages Carhart to Return to Kansas
TOPEKA, Kan., April 16 /Christian Newswire/ — Kansas Gov. Mark Parkinson, who was Lt. Gov. under former Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, vetoed H.B. 2115 yesterday, a bill similar to the one vetoed by Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius this time last year.
Statement by Mary Kay Culp, State Executive Director, Kansans for Life:
“We agree with Governor Parkinson’s veto message that the law governing abortions on viable babies (abortions performed after the point at which the unborn child could survive outside the womb) in Kansas, passed in 1998, is a good law.
“In fact, it’s so good that politicians tied to the abortion industry, former KS Gov. Kathleen Sebelius chief among them, have gone to extreme lengths to insure that it is never enforced. This veto is yet another example of that.
“It is completely disingenuous for the Governor to say it is a good law and fail to point out that he doesn’t believe in enforcing the provisions of the law.
“It is completely disingenuous for him to suggest that legislators, as representatives of the people (mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, etc.) have no right to weigh in on laws that affect a for-profit industry that has complete control of young women during a secretive, crisis-driven moment that will affect the rest of their physical and emotional lives.
“The law would have made doctors report medical reasons for doing abortions on viable unborn children. The only exceptions to the 1998 Kansas ban on viable unborn baby abortions are medical, thus abortionists should have all along been made to report those medical reasons. Instead they have gotten away with simply stating under the lines provided for “reason” and “basis” on the required state reports, that they have one. (These reports at no time contain a woman’s name.) This has resulted in 12 years and 3,000 viable baby abortions untethered from any kind of oversight.
“Abortion-backed politicians had better hope this veto attracts a corrupt late-term abortionist willing to continue the 12 year tradition of sharing his profits politically, because we plan to spend every last political dime and ounce of energy we have ousting from office any legislator who does not vote to override this veto.
“According to a March 31 AP report
, Nebraska abortionist Leroy Carhart, who performed many of the 3,000 viable baby abortions in Kansas since 1998, said his wish to open a late-term clinic in Kansas was ‘in flux’ because of ‘the rules’ imposed by H.B 2115. This is especially notable coming as it did as his home state was in the process of passing a ground-breaking late-term abortion law.
“Carhart did late term abortions one week a month for years at George Tiller’s clinic in Wichita. Parkinson’s veto tells him to “come on back down” despite the fact Carhart is under investigation in NE for charges backed by former employees’ testimony that he did abortions while ‘chemically altered’, and reused dirty equipment.
“If the state finally enforcing a 12 year old requirement for doctors to give a medical reason for aborting viable unborn babies and giving women and their families standing to sue over illegally performed abortions, would keep an abortionist away who already helped do 3,000 of them here, it speaks volumes about how likely it is that those 3,000 were performed legally.
“A longer version of this release with more information about this point and evidence that Kansas abortions laws have gone unenforced for years because of political corruption, is available HERE
“Our latest newsletter which deals extensively with this issue is posted HERE
. The front page deals with this issue in depth. The back page is an Action Alert.
“We will be doing more as April 28th approaches, the day legislators get back to Topeka.”
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Related Resource: The Man Behind the Curtain
[Also Related: After the 2006 elections, the late George Tiller’s entire staff had dinner at the Kansas Governor’s mansion when Gov. Sebelius was governor. He presented her with a T-shirt there that said: “Trifecta: Sebelius, Parkinson, Morrison.” A photograph of her holding that T-shirt and pointing at Tiller is available.
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