Prayers during a Crisis in Egypt
Prayers during Crisis in Egypt
New York City, U.S.A. (SAT-7). The international CEO of satellite TV station SAT-7, Terence Ascott, has published an updated on the Crisis in Egypt. He is asking for prayers that G-d will give wisdom to President Mubarak and his advisors, that they will treat their citizens with dignity and respect and that greater loss of life will be avoided. Terence Ascott wrote: “Pray that Egypt will move into a more positive tomorrow, one that includes greater freedoms and justice for all its people – including the 8 to 10 million Egyptians who are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.” More than 200 people have Egypt have been killed during clashes with citizens and State Security last week, according to Al Jazeera correspondents.
Update from Terence Ascott, SAT-7 CEO
As I write, the situation in Egypt is still in turmoil and no one on Earth knows the outcome. Here are some things we do know:
– Schools, most businesses, banks and newspapers, churches and even hospitals have been closed since Friday due to the violence and curfews.
– The SAT-7 Egypt TV studio/office has been closed for those same reasons.
– Ordinary citizens have been depending on their neighbours to patrol the streets and protect them from looters.
– SAT-7’s four security officers have been staying in the TV studio/
office day and night, sleeping in shifts to protect the building.
– People are hopeful for a change, but some are deeply concerned that extremist Muslim groups might gain control if there is a power vacuum.
– Ordinary Egyptians are beginning to worry that, if the crisis continues much longer, they may have trouble obtaining food and medicines because the shops are beginning to run low on supplies and people have no access to cash. Services such as electricity, transport and water are also under threat because many service workers are staying at home.
– Churches and Christians in Egypt are praying and asking Christians around the world to pray for a resolution to this crisis that will lead to new openness and equality for all members of Egyptian society.
It is difficult to contact our staff in Cairo, but we have talked with a number of them. Most are staying at home and only coming out when the curfew is lifted to buy food and other necessary supplies. They tell us that the city is rationing water so people are also being careful how they use that precious resource in their homes.
Our security staff report that a building near the SAT-7 TV studio/office was looted, but that the local “neighbourhood action committee” arrested the looters, beating them up in the process. The “committee” then turned the looters over to army officers who requested that the ad hoc security group refrain from hurting people when they make “citizen’s arrests.” The SAT-7 security personnel report that the neighbourhood has really gathered together in an atmosphere of solidarity and civic pride, which transcends religious affiliation. The neighbours say they truly appreciate that SAT-7 has 24-hour security officers. One neighbour said, “We are glad you are here because if we fall asleep we know you can warn us if something bad is about to happen.” The SAT-7 security officers report that the situation seems to have got somewhat better as of Monday, because there are now more army officers and police who have returned to the streets.
SAT-7 has encouraged the rest of its Egypt office staff to stay at home. And because the Internet has been down, we have not been able to transmit any live shows from within the country. But we are broadcasting (from Nicosia) a crawl that runs continually across the bottom of the screen urging prayer for the situation in Egypt. We are hoping to put together a series of special live programmes from Lebanon that will include calls with prominent Christian leaders living in Egypt to discuss the situation on-air.
A large march is taking place today, 1st February. Many people are concerned about what will happen, and they are also worried about the nature of any long-term solution – will their situation be better or could it perhaps get worse? While no one knows for certain, the vast majority of Egyptians are hopeful that positive change will result from the current unrest. Egyptians want change and want a government that is more responsive to their needs and aspirations.
Please join with us as we pray that God will give wisdom to President Mubarak and his advisors, that they will treat their citizens with dignity and respect (and that greater loss of life will be avoided). Pray that Egypt will move into a more positive tomorrow, one that includes greater freedoms and justice for all its people – including the 8 to 10 million Egyptians who are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We intend to keep you informed of the latest information and how it is impacting our staff and the churches of Egypt, as the situation unfolds.
With a grateful heart,
Terry Ascott
International CEO
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