Presse-Information: Bitte um Hilfeleistung beim U.N. General-Sekretär der Vereinten Nationen Ban Ki-Moon in New York City – Sieben Kinder und Mutter in Gefahr – möglicherweise viele weitere Menschen in Gefahr in Madagascar
Presse-Information: Bitte um Hilfeleistung beim U.N. General-Sekretär der Vereinten Nationen Ban Ki-Moon in New York City – Sieben Kinder und Mutter in Gefahr – möglicherweise viele weitere Menschen in Gefahr in Madagascar
Diese Presse und Medien-Information wird zur Verfügung gestellt in englischer und in deutscher Sprache.
This PRESS AND MEDIA NEWS RELEASE is provided in the English And German language.
Von Andreas Klamm, Journalist
Analakininina (Madagascar) / Konstanz / Berlin / Neuhofen / Frankenthal / Schifferstadt (Germany). 1. Februar 2013.
U.N. Secretary General CALLED for rescue and help for 7 children, their mother and may 1000 other people in Madagascar
Dear Members Of The Press !
Dear Colleagues of International Press, Media !
Dear Sir ! Dear Madam !
According to the reports of MR MICHAEL KRIEGER, a citizen of Germany and father of 18 children his 7 children and his wife Lydia KRIEGER are in DANGER BECAUSE OF POISIONING AND HARMFUL GAS LEAKS CAUSED BY AMBATOVY in Madagascar. According to the eye witness report of MR MICHAEL KRIEGER up to 1000 other people in Madagascar could be in serious DANGER.
ISMOT International Social And Medcial Outreach Team, which I have founded because of the EMERGENCY of a pregnant woman Mrs. Natalie F., Berlin, German cituen and her two daughters, little children which have been in DANGER in 2008 in NASSAU in Bahamas does not receive any kind of donations. We do not have even a bank account and we do not have all the rescue workers, which will be NEEDED in Madagascar to rescue 7 children and their mother in DANGER and perhaps up to other 1000 people which could be in DANGER because of poisioning and harmful GAS LEAKS caused by Ambatovy in Madagascar / Africa.
Therefore after a lot of PRAYER and CALLING and requesting help, resuce and support from the ALLMIGHTY AND HOLY GOD, we have send now also after asking Police and about 80 aid and relief organizations for urgent help, a REQUEST to the U.N. General Secreatary, HIS EXCELLENCY MR. BAN Ki-MOON, to rescue and to save the lifes of 7 children, their mother and may even 1000 more people and for an international and indenpendent investigation about these incidents in Madagascar.
If you have any question, you are FREE to call me by mobile phone, 24 hours, day and night, on Tel. 004917014876728 or Tel. 00491788172114 or by E-mail: and E-mail:
More information you will find on .
The eye witness Mr. Michael Krieger could be availalbe for interview upon request.
Sehr geehrte Mitglieder der Presse !
Sehr geehrte Kollegen und Kolleginnen der Internationalen Presse und Medien !
Dear Sir ! Dear Madam !
Auf der Grundlage von Informationen und Berichten, des Herrn MICHAEL KRIEGER, ein deutscher Staatsbürger und Vater von 18 Kindern, befinden sich 7 seiner Kinder und seine Frau Lydia KRIEGER in GEFAHR aufgrund hochgiftiger und verletzender GAS-AUSTRITTE verursacht vom Ambatovy Konzern in MADAGASCAR. Auf der Grundlage der Augen-Zeugen-Berichte des Herrn Michael Krieger sind möglicherweise weitere 1000 Menschen in der Gefahren-Zone in Madagascar in GEFAHR.
ISMOT International Social And Medical Outreacht Team, , eine freie Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Medien- und Hilfe-Projekte, die ich aufgrund eines schweren NOTFALLS einer damals hochschwangeren Mutter, Frau Natalie F. aus Berlin und ihrer zwei kleinen Töchter (damals war das zweite Klein-Kind und Mädchen noch nicht geboren) in Nassau, Bahamas in zum Teil tödlicher GEFAHR gegründet habe, erhält in der Regel keine Spenden. ISMOT International Social And Medcial Outreach Team hat noch nicht einmal ein einziges Bank-Konto und wir haben nicht die Vielzahl der RETTUNGSKRÄFTE, die jetzt möglicherweise benötigt werden um 7 Kinder, deren Mutter und 1000 weitere Menschen aus einer gefährlichen GEFAHREN-ZONE zu retten. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Hilfe von GOTT DEM HERRN an erster Stelle erbeten und angefordert. Zudem wurde die Deutsche Botschaft, das Auswärtige, Amt, Polizei in Schifferstadt in der Pfalz, Polizei in Konstanz, Mitglieder des Deutschen Bundestags, Bundespräsident Dr. h. c. Joachim Gauchk, Papst Benedikt XVI., (Vatikan-Staat, Rom), Präses Nikolaus Schneider von der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), Staatsanwaltschaft in Frankenthal, der Ministerpräsident von Baden-Württemberg Windfried Kretschmann, der Innenminister von Baden-Württemberg, Herr Reinhold Gall und weitere Behörden, Organisationen, Hilfe-Organisationen und Vereine informiert. Da die 7 Kindern und ihre Mutter immerhin bereits seit 7. Oktober 2012, dem TAG der Antragstellung auf Konsular-Hilfe nach Paragraph 5 des Konsular-Hilfe-Gesetzes, nunmehr seit fast fünf Monaten auf eine Rettung und Hilfeleistung warten und diese Hilfeleistung immer noch nicht erfolgt ist, wurde jetzt mittels Schreiben, gesendet, via FAX, der U.N. General-Sekretär der Vereinten Nationen, Seine Excellenz Ban Ki-Moon und die Gemeinschaft der Vereinten Nationen DRINGEND um RETTUNG und Hilfeleistung gebeten von 7 Kindern und deren Mutter Lydia KRIEGER, die dringend zwecks Hilfe und medizinischer Versorgung zu ihrem Vater nach Deutschland nach Konstanz reisen wollen und zum Zwecke der Hilfeleistung für möglicherweise weitere 1000 Menschen und eine bislang nicht näher bekannte Anzahl von Tieren, die sich in der GEFAHREN-ZONE in MADAGASCAR nach Berichten des Augen-Zeugen, Herrn Michael KRIEGER, befinden.
Für die Beantwortung von FRAGEN stehe ich Ihnen TAG und NACHT zur Verfügung, via Mobil Tel. 00491701486728 oder Mobil-Tel. 00491788172114, via E-mail: oder E-mail: .
Weitere Infomationen finden Sie auch bei .
Der Augen-Zeuge Herr Michael Krieger ist möglicherweise auch für Interviews für Radio, Fernsehen, Medien zu erreichen.
Die Abschrift der Hilfe-Anfrage an den U.N. General-Sekretär Ban Ki-Moon, Vereinte Nationen im Wortlaut vom 1. Februar 2013
Datum / Date: February 1, 2013
Emergency PLEASE forward as quick as possible
His Excellency Ban Ki-moon
The United Nations
1 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017-3515
United States of America
Tel.(212) 963-6819/7319
Fax: 0012129631658
Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General
United Nations, S-378
New York, NY 10017
Press/media inquiries only
Fax: 0012129637055
Fax: 0012129634475
All national and international authorities, companies, organizations and persons are requested to support 7 children in danger, 3 children already diseaesed in Madagacascar and the wife of MR. MICHAEL KRIEGER, CITIZEN OF GERMANY and of perhaps 1000 other people in DANGER in MADAGASCAR in times of special circumstances which have effected the lifes of children, poor people in serious conditions and to assist the 7 children and their mother to travel as soon as possible to Germany that he will be able to receive any kind of support of his family, medical and social care which is required as soon as possible.
In Concern Of The Universal Valid DECLARATION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS, proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948, New York City, United States of America
Dear Sir, His Excellency Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon !
Hereby our International Social And Medical Outreach Team, , an international aid and relief association, needs to file a REPORT and COMPLAINT in concern of the ongoing emergency situation of 7 children , 3 children are already diseased and their mother MRS. Lydia KRIEGER in Madagascar (Africa), wife of the disabled father of 18 children, MR MICHAEL KRIEGER, citizen of GERMANY, because of the possible Abuses And Violations Of The Universal Human Rights and The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Seven children and their mother and perhaps more than 1000 other people are perhaps in SERIOUS DANGER BECAUSE OF POISIONING AND MAY EVEN HARMFUL GAS LEAKS caused by Ambatovy in MADAGASCAR in Africa at this time. Mrs. Lydia KRIEGER and their 7 children want to travel as soon as possible to GERMANY to SAFETY for medical treatment, care, help, aid and child care support and all other support for the family.
For not known reasons, the first REQUEST for urgent support, relief and aid has been released by Mr. MICHAEL KRIEGER, which is an official registered disabled person in GERMANY and father of 18 children on October 72, 2012 to the EMBASSY of GERMANY. The family in DANGER and in NEED are waiting now almost five (5) months since October 2012 to find support, aid, resuce and evacuation and relief from a serious danger such as poisioning and may even harmful GAS LEAKS caused by Ambatovy in Madagascar. These serious incidents could effect according to the not officiially confirmed reports of MR. MICHAEL KRIEGER up to other 1000 people in Madagascar in Africa.
Human Rights and the RIGHT TO LIVE are elementary, universal and fundamental rights.
4. ISMOT International Social And Medical Outreach Team,
5., and
6. Madagascar Familiy Care,
7. Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters,
According to the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS and The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, disabled persons, children and women are under special protection by international and national laws, rules and regulations:
Article 25
1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
2.Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 3
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Hereby we do CALL for an urgent INTERNATIONAL and independent INVESTIGATION in case of Emergency and we do call for all actions to provide safety, security, liberty, freedom, good medical and social care for the 7 children and their mother MRS. Lydia KRIEGER in Madagascar and perhaps up to 1000 more people in danger and we do ask for any kind of support that the 7 children and their mother MRS LYDIA KRIEGER will be guided, be protected and leaded to travel back save without any other delay to GERMANY that the may will be able to receive all kind of support, aid, help and medical treatment in security in GERMANY.
Help, support, assistance and so far if neccesary medical assistance and treatment is requested for up to other 1000 people in Madagascar which might suffer because of the effects and side effects of poisioning and harmful GAS LEAKS caused by Ambatovy.
Democracy, freedom and the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS are an elementary and vital parts of a world and nation with justice and securtiy for all people, especially for persons with disabilities according to the The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
ISMOT International Social And Medical Outreach Team is asking His Excelleny Secretary General of the UNITED NATIONS, The Members Of The United Nations, The United Nations to monitor, to investigate the ongoing emergency situation and to provide all supplies and help and support to RESCUE and to save the lifes of children, women and men in serious danger in MADAGASCAR because of GAS LEAKS caused by Ambatovy, which could be serious threats to 7 children, 3 children are already diseased and their mother Mrs. Lydia KRIEGER, wife of MR MICHAEL KRIEGER, a citizen of Germany and perhaps more than other 1000 people and citizens of Madagascar, which are entitled TO SPECIAL PROTECTION, SPECIAL CARE, ASSISTANCE OF ANY KIND, GOOD MEDICAL AND SOCIAL CARE and SOCIAL SECURITY.
Please take all actions for intervention to assist and to protect children, women and men which could be according to the reports of MR MICHAEL KRIEGER, a citizen of Germany, in serious danger in Madagascar / Africa.
Thank you in advance. Very Special Thanks To All People Which Fulfill Their Duties To Help A Tourist in Need!
Andreas Klamm – Sabaot, Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist, Autor
Redaktionsleitung, Verleger, Herausgeber – Journalist , broadcast journalist, publisher, writer and author / staatlich geprüfter Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger, Rettungssanitäter
registered nurse (R.N.) / paramedic
Offizielle und amtliche Bestätigung finden Sie unter anderem bei:, Medien- und Hilfe-Projekte seit 2006,
GHL Sozialmission,
IFN International Family Network d734,
ISMOT International Medical And Social Outreach Team, ,
Liberty and Peace NOW ! Human Rights Reporters,
British Newsflash Magazine seit 1986,
Radio TV IBS Liberty seit 1986,,
Journalisten-Büro Andreas Klamm Sabaot,, Radio, Fernsehen, Nachrichten und Informationen,
Tel. 06236 416802, Tel. 06236 48 9044, Mobil Tel. 0178 817 2114, Fax 03222 9308147, Fax 06236 4890449, e-mail:, e-mail: – Country Code – Länder Code – Deutschland – Germany: 0049
SENDER, (freie Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Medien und Hilfe-Projekte / free task force and association for media and aid projects)
GHL Social Mission,
ISMOT International Medical And Social Outreach Team, – Fernsehen, Radio, Nachrichten, Medien, Informationen
Andreas Klamm, Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist, Verleger, Herausgeber, staatlich geprft. Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger
British Newsflash Magazine,
Radio TV IBS Liberty,,,
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters,
Schillerstr. 31
D 67141 Neuhofen in der Pfalz
Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland / Germany
Tel. 00496236 416802
Tel. 00496236 489044
Fax 00496236 4890449
Fax 0049 3222 9308147
Mobil Tel. 0178 817 2114
Postfach 1113
D 67137 Neuhofen
Deutschland / Germany
Datum / Date: February 1, 2013
Videos zu den Ammoniak-Gas-Freisetzungen in Madagascar
1, Interview mit Michael Krieger am Telefon, bei Radio TV IBS Liberty,
2. Interview mit Herrn Alain Mahavimbina, Chef de Region Toamasina, Madagascar,
Petition und Hilfe-Anfrage in englischer Sprache an U.N. General-Sekretär Ban Ki-Moon, New York City, Vereinte Nationen / Petitiion and Request For Aid, Relief, Support and Help to the Secretary Generel Ban Ki-Moon, U.N. United Nations, New York City, United States of America – Link:
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